2023 – 2024

Thank you to our 2023-2024 Sponsors!

For information on how to become a sponsor, visit this page. (https://rahsgreenenergy.com/team-sponsors/)

Company Matching

Some companies match the donation you make to the RAHS PTSA: Green Energy Team. Check with your employer/department to see if they match donations to our Green Energy Team.

Boeing Matching Funds

As a Boeing employee please take advantage of the Boeing Matching Funds program available to you. Your donation to RAHS Green Energy Team under a RAHS PTSA donation will be matched by Boeing.

Links are available within the Boeing network.  For more information, see the Boeing Gift Matching Program.

Microsoft Employees Donation

Microsoft Matching Funds and Matching Volunteer Hours

Microsoft employees who make donations or volunteer hours to eligible nonprofit organizations can request that Microsoft match their gift. Please use the Microsoft GIVE web site which includes areas for “Give Money” & “Give Time” for matching volunteer hours.

Organization sponsors

Platinum Class: $5000 and above

Sponsors in this class will be listed on our website, will have their logo printed on our competition shirts, and will receive an area to display their logo on our car.

Gold Class: $2500 – $4999

Sponsors in this class will be listed on our website, will have their logo printed on our competition shirts, and will receive an area to display their logo on our car.

Silver Class: $1000 – $2499

Sponsors in this class will be listed on our website, will have their logo printed on our competition shirts, and will receive an area to display their logo on our car.

Bronze Class: $250 – $999

Sponsors in this class will be listed on our website and will receive an area to display their logo on our car.

Copper Class: $50-$249

Sponsors in this class will be listed on our website.

Individual sponsors

Platinum Class ($5000+):

Gold Class ($2500-4999):

Silver Class ($1000-2499):

Bronze Class ($250-999): 

Copper Class ($50-249): 

Honorable Mentions (Less than $50)