Layup Process

Aerodynamics, Design, Featured, General

During the last few months, the team has been working hard on preparing for our carbon fiber layup to construct the car’s aerodynamic shell. With the mold in its final state, we began the layup process. In doing so, we will have a one-piece shell which will allow for better aerodynamics and a smoother surface. […]

May 23, 2023

Mold Making

Aerodynamics, Design, Featured, General

The structural team has been working relentlessly to try and to meet the February “Go/No-Go ” deadline. With confidence, the team has decided to “GO” and continue our efforts with the 2023 design. This past month, parts were being ordered, and designs have been finalized. Janicki has donated their time and materials to help us […]

March 20, 2023

June Progress Update

Aerodynamics, Featured, General, Outreach, Solar

We’re in the home-stretch of the season — with only three weeks until the car is shipped off to Fort Worth, TX, the Green Energy Team has been hard at work putting the finishing touches on this season’s car. Over the past few weeks, we’ve officially become a solar car! Our seven separate panels have […]

June 29, 2021

Aerodynamics and the Iterative Design Process

Aerodynamics, Design, Featured

In finalizing the shell for the Raisbeck Aviation High School Green Energy Team’s Solar Car, the objective was to find the best-designed aerodynamic model. As the structural and mechanical design lead, I worked to complete and test our models in both Autodesk Flow and Siemens STAR-CCM+, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. CFD software essentially creates […]

December 9, 2020

Laying out the “Mockpit”

Aerodynamics, Design, Featured

For the past two weeks, we have been working day and night on our first “mock-pit” design for the solar car. The frame is assembled out of our scrap metal and plywood sheets, the bars connected together with plywood gussets. Our most daunting challenge is that we have to ensure the driver can get out […]

October 10, 2019

Need For Speed: Solar Car Aerodynamics

Aerodynamics, Featured

The aerodynamics of our solar car are full steam ahead. A smooth body will ensure that the power from our motors is spent moving the car instead of opposing the drag. Essential elements of our aerodynamic body: Fairings around wheels Smooth airfoil shaped body surrounding chassis Aerodynamic solar panel frame and struts We connected with […]

December 13, 2018