Getting it Working pt.2 – Battery Driven Car

Featured, General

Invigorated by our quick process and early completion of our 1 February deadline, we felt confident that we could have our car driving under battery power within weeks. Unfortunately, fate (or the weather) reared its ugly head as snowmageddon reigned in Seattle, with several feet aggregate of snow dumped on the city in just two […]

February 24, 2019

Getting it Working pt. 1 – Rolling Car

Design, Featured, General

Since our last post we’ve been hard at work and a lot has happened. We’ve gone from CAD models to the testing track in the span of a couple weeks, and we are excited to keep moving forward towards competition. As July draws ever closer, the pressure and pace of work has increased dramatically. With […]

February 23, 2019

Suspending Belief with our Suspension

Design, Featured

It can hardly be argued that some of the most important parts of a car are the wheels, it wouldn’t be much of a car without them. However, in order to comply with the rules of the Solar Car Competition (and protect the rear of the poor soul who has to drive the car), we […]

December 17, 2018

Creating the Skeleton: Chassis Mock-up


One of the first design priorities was creating a fundamental chassis as a foundation for the rest of our car. This decision would guide the rest of the design process. Therefore, we began with the basics. We started by reviewing past designs to generate several ideas for the basic car geometry. From this preliminary brainstorming, we reached […]

December 4, 2018