2024 Race Recap

Featured, General, Post of the Week, Texas

SOCKEYE has finally returned from the 2024 Solar Car Challenge, marking the end of an amazing two years for our team. All the hard work put in by team members in planning, fundraising, and building the car has made SOCKEYE our most energy efficient car yet, completing over 1,160 miles over four days and, after […]

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The Final Race Day

Featured, General, Post of the Week, Texas

Once we’d finished our morning procedures, our team gathered with the other teams for the daily all teams meeting. Here, they announce the day’s winners, the starting order, pass out debris that fell off the cars, and gather together as a family, united by solar cars. With 219 laps up from the previous day, we […]

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Race Day 3

Featured, General, Post of the Week, Solar, Strategy, Texas

The third day was going to be the hottest day yet. The challenge this posed was that the race officials could potentially end the race day early, and if we had not taken our mandatory lunch break we would receive a penalty. This meant our strategy team needed to keep careful track of the heat […]

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Race Day 2

Featured, General, Post of the Week, Strategy, Texas

After kicking off the Solar Car Challenge and in the lead with 200 laps, we were ready for another high performance day. Utilizing lap data from the first day, the strategy team worked tirelessly beforehand to create a plan that conserves our energy but also gets us the most laps. An incredible amount of calculations […]

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Race Day 1

Featured, General, Post of the Week, Solar, Strategy, Texas

Today was the first day of the racing portion of the challenge. Over two years of design and build begin to be put to the test on this day. With scrutineering done and strategy working nonstop to make sure that their calculations are correct for the drivers, all the rest of the team could do […]

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Scrutineering Day 3

Featured, General, Post of the Week, Texas

As the team comes off a highly successful completion of scrutineering on day two, the focus has shifted to finishing touches, final replacements, and practice leading up to race day tomorrow.  As usual, most of the electrical group started early in the pits, testing and logging solar panel data. This information – sorted, calculated, and […]

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Scrutineering Day 2

Featured, General, Post of the Week, Texas

The team had a very early morning today; members Zach(12), Caden(9), Hagen(12), Jude(9), and Larsen(10) left the hotel in the early morning to test the solar array to see how many watts it generates. From this testing, we started at about 300 watts, and it increased about 60 watts every 10 minutes, with about a […]

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Design, Featured, General, Post of the Week

When we first decided to make SOCKEYE out of carbon fiber, we knew there would be many new challenges. One of which being that, according to the rules of the solar car challenge, we would need to provide destructive testing data that justifies the strength and crashworthiness of SOCKEYE.  So, while building the car, we […]

June 19, 2024

The Final 10%

Electrical System, General, Post of the Week, Programing

There is a long lasting proverb that says, “you’re only halfway done when you think you’re 90% finished.” So, with the PCB done and the mechanics of the car all together, the car appears to be all together. But as the proverb goes, that last 10 percent will take tremendous work from our electrical, software […]

March 29, 2024

A Glimpse Into the Design of SOCKEYE

Design, Featured, General, Post of the Week

In the coming weekends, we are hoping to start testing SOCKEYE in preparation for the race. Of course, this will rely on many extraneous factors such as weather, so it may take a few weeks. In the meantime, we are making some not-so-interesting final preparations. Instead of talking about that, let’s take a trip to the past and revisit just a few parts of SOCKEYE’s design that were overshadowed in last year’s blog posts.

February 27, 2024

A New Technique for Soldering Solar Cells

General, Solar

As we refine SOCKEYE for the 2024 Solar Car Challenge, the solar panel subteam has been experimenting with new, potentially more effective soldering strategies. The use of our sponsor, Maxeon Sunpower’s solar cells is vital to the team, as they produce the industry-leading super-efficient silicon cells that make up the heart of the car. Throughout […]

February 13, 2024