July Update: A New Challenge

Featured, General, Outreach, Texas

Just before the end of the school year, we received some unfortunate news.  During the review of the insurance arranged by Solar Car Challenge (SCC) organizers, Highline Public Schools’ risk managers noticed a crucial exception: moving vehicles were not covered outside the Texas Motor Speedway, i.e., in our 1,200-mile cross country trip, student drivers would […]

July 13, 2023

Race Day Four

Design, Featured, Texas

Going into the fourth day of racing, the team was showing the strain of many long and hot days, but everyone was eager to finish the race. With a renewed sense of energy after beating the track record for the total number of laps for an entire race late on day 3, the team pushed […]

July 20, 2022

Race Day Three

Electrical System, Featured, Solar, Texas

Going into Race Day three, we had a significant lead, filling the team with excitement and a tad of apprehension. The previous day we had set a new day lap record of 227 breaking the record we had set just the day before. Expecting the highest temperatures of the entire race, with temperatures reaching 111°F […]

July 19, 2022

Race Day Two

Design, Featured, General, Texas

Onto Day 2 of the Solar Car Challenge! The team is still running with the adrenaline rush from the race we put on yesterday, completing 237 official laps on just Day 1! We surpassed our own previous lap record of 184 laps in 2021.  Alain Semet (Mentor) walking Abigail Jawili (10) through systems in the […]

July 18, 2022

Race Day One

Electrical System, Featured, General, Solar, Texas

As we arrived at the track at 6:15 AM, the team was filled with excitement. With more than two years of work put into the car, everyone sprang into action… for about 2 minutes: we were quickly notified that we were only allowed to interact with our vehicle after 6:30 AM. The day began like […]

July 17, 2022

Scrutineering Day Three

Featured, General, Outreach, Texas

As the scrutineering process for the Solar Car Challenge approached its conclusion, our team started focusing on last minute preparations for both our car and our team. We started off doing additional practice with performing pit stops and panel tilting, then moved on to small optimizations with the car. We covered the seams of our […]

July 16, 2022

Scrutineering Day Two

Featured, General, Solar, Texas

With scrutineering complete for the team and all our drivers approved for the race, it’s safe to say that stress levels are lower than before. Nonetheless, there is much more to do. Solar testing and practice driver swaps will prepare everyone for the race to come. After this, the team provided support to other teams […]

July 15, 2022

Scrutineering Day One

Design, Featured, General, Texas

We made it! The team has finally made it into the Texas Motor Speedway garage! This day marks the start of the 3-day process known as scrutineering. During scrutineering, the 22 teams who are competing in this year’s race submit their vehicle for inspection and rigorous evaluation by judges. These judges have the responsibility to […]

July 14, 2022

Touchdown in Dallas, TX

Featured, General, Solar, Texas

The RAHS Green Energy Team met bright and early at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on July 12th, 2022, ready to begin the journey to Texas for the National Solar Car Challenge. The team arrived in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas that afternoon, and spent the day unpacking and getting settled in.  The next morning, the team woke […]

July 14, 2022