A Look Into Our Team Documentation

Featured, General, Outreach

The RAHS Green Energy Team is a massive project involving a myriad of moving parts that all work together to make the complete product. With so much happening all around to get the car ready for competition, it may be difficult for those on the outside to keep up with everything that is going on. […]

May 30, 2022

Incorporating New Members

Featured, General, Outreach

As the 2021 year comes to an end, we move closer to wrapping up the onboarding curriculum, and begin to incorporate new members in more essential tasks. Doing so will not only further our progress on our car, but also ensure that our team will continue to be successful in the future. As a team, […]

December 13, 2021

June Progress Update

Aerodynamics, Featured, General, Outreach, Solar

We’re in the home-stretch of the season — with only three weeks until the car is shipped off to Fort Worth, TX, the Green Energy Team has been hard at work putting the finishing touches on this season’s car. Over the past few weeks, we’ve officially become a solar car! Our seven separate panels have […]

June 29, 2021

Welcoming New Members

Featured, General, Outreach

On January 21, 2020, the first case of COVID-19 was recorded in the United States, right here in Washington State. As one of the first states to go under a stay-at-home order, student life dramatically changed as all schools transitioned to a distance learning model. Into the summer, members battled to make progress despite the […]

January 7, 2021

November Team Update

Electrical System, Featured, General, Outreach

Even though the Solar Car Challenge has been delayed until next summer, we haven’t stopped working towards our goal of creating a successful, competition-ready solar car to bring to the Texas Motor Speedway in July of 2021. Over the summer, the RAHS Green Energy Team reached a significant milestone: our new solar car is now […]

November 21, 2020